I’m convinced that parenting is the toughest job on the
planet, but also the most rewarding. Over the years I have discovered that
there are basically two ways to parent: in our own strength or by God’s grace.
I’ve tried both and found the difference between the two to be simply amazing!
I spent the first nine years of my twin girls’ lives pilling
on the rules to produce good girls. Somehow, I felt safe with rules, but I went
so overboard with them that they ended up first frustrating all of us!
Despite everything I was doing, I was a very insecure
parent. I had a lot of fear that I wasn’t going to cover all the parenting
bases and my kids would grow up and turn out bad. Instead of putting my trust
in God and leaning on His grace to raise them the right way, I was putting my
trust in my methods of parenting.
I didn’t trust truly understand grace until about two years
ago, and before that, I rarely consulted the Holy Spirit about which direction
He wanted me to follow. Why would I ignore amazing help from my amazing Helper?
Well, I can honestly say I didn’t understand what I was doing because my mind
was so clouded by legalism. I really was deceived.
I had serious misconceptions about God, convinced He was
standing over me, watching and waiting to catch me anytime I made a mistake.
These misconceptions carried over into my parenting, and far too often I
treated my girls the same way I mistakenly thought God was treating me.
Thankfully, early in 2012, after experiencing s radical life
transformation through a revelation of grace, God began to teach me how to
parent by leading of the Holy Spirit. As each parenting situation would arise,
He taught me how to shut down what my mind was screaming for me to do, which
was based on my old list of rules, and how to slow down and wait on Him before
moving forward.
Here’s one example of a wonderful result we experienced when
I followed the Holy Spirit’s wisdom rather than my own rules: We homeschooled
our girls. One day our daughter Starr was having a bad attitude about a math assignment
she and Angel were working on. She felt like she was lagging. I wasn’t putting
pressure on her, but she was putting it on herself. When she gets pressured,
just like most of us, she tends to mistreat her sister or be sassy with me. I
was SO ready to make her face a consequence, but thank God, because of the
changes He had made in my life because of embracing His grace, I was learning a
completely new way to parent. I was learning how to parent with the wisdom of
the Holy Spirit. I waited a moment and felt He was speaking to my heart to “just
talk to Starr.” Instead of accusing her, I simply said, “Angel is so good at
math and I am terrible at it. I am so dumb.”
This experience was such an eye opener for me, and I will
never forget it. Because I followed the leading of the Holy Spirit, we had a
wonderful conversation and I was able to extinguish the lies the devil was
telling Starr and replace them with encouragement. As John 14:26 says, the Holy
Spirit is our Counselor Helper, Strengthener and standby, and “He will teach
you all things. “He always knows so much better than we do!
It’s difficult for me to put into words the enormity of the
change in our home since we have replaced living by the rules with living by
the leading of the Spirit. Now, as I stay submitted to the Spirit in my parenting,
something I’m led to say something, sometimes share a scripture, sometimes give
a consequence, sometimes just talk it out, sometimes simply give a hug, and
sometimes He has me do nothing at all except be quiet and let Him work.
And not only do I choose to parent by the Spirit, but now I
also make it a priority to teach my girls how to follow the leading of the
Spirit for themselves. I believe it will be a lifelong blessing to them.
God’s grace has taken our family light-years beyond anything
a list of rules ever could. And I am having so much fun learning to have the
mind of the Spirit about parenting rather than depending on my own mind.
Spirit-led parenting is an adventure and it takes the
pressure off us as parents, because we no longer must try to figure out how to
do the toughest job on the planet all by ourselves. We can simply listen…follow…and
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