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Showing posts from October, 2013

Trust God to Do the Heavy Lifting, Learning to receive His supernatural favo - Part 1

By Joyce Meyer I'LL ADMIT IT . When I first began ministering more than thirty years ago, I was pretty scared and insecure. Today, it is more widely accepted to be a woman preaching the Gospel. But at that time, it wasn't very popular at all to do what I was doing. As a result, I was afraid of being rejected. In fact, I would often bend over backwards to speak and behave the way I thought was expected of me. I so much wanted to gain other's approval. There was just one problem: I was attempting to win favor of people, not God. I was performing in order to attain natural favor ... and it didn't work! You see, I  hadn't yet learned this one very important lesson: When God calls someone to do something, He also place His supernatural favor upon them to do it. Supernatural Favor vs. Natural Favor - In those early days, I knew nothing about supernatural favor. I didn't know that favor is actually a part of grace. In fact, the words "grace" and...

6 Things You should Say Every Day of Your Life - Part 2

By Joyce Meyer I'm telling the truth-no matter what Most Christians probably think, I don't have problem with lying. But sometimes telling the truth hurts and we just don't want to hurt or offend people or risk our reputation.  I honestly believe if you're going to be committed to the truth, at some point, you're going to have to admit your weaknesses and make hard choices. Ephesians 4:14 tells us to let our lives lovely express truth [in all things, speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly]. I encourage you to be committed to the truth. Cherish it. Hang on to it, no matter what it costs you. You won't regret it! Gods Word Is In My Vocabulary Jeremiah 23:28 says, "...Let the one who has my word speak it faithfully...". The message translation of Jeremiah 23:29 says the truth is like "a sledgehammer busting a rock' into pieces. I love that! Sometimes you have to hit a nut or a shell over and over again until it cracks open...

6 Things You should Say Every Day of Your Life - Part 1

By Joyce Meyer I'm blessed and I'm a blessing. When I get up in the morning, I like to say a prayer of blessing. "God I bless this day in Jesus' name. I bless my husband. I bless my children and my sons-in-law and daughters-in-law. I bless my grandchildren. I'm blessed because of Jesus. And I'm living under the blessing of God." It really helps me start my day with a right attitude and focus. I'm So Thankful! Have a thanksgiving session each day. Take time to thank God for everything you can think of, from hot water to food to a roof over your head. And tell people you're thankful for what they do for you. Psalm 107:1-2 says, "O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and Loving-kindness endure forever! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so..." If you're in the middle of a difficult situation, trust that God's doing something good right now-bringing circumstance together, changing hearts, changing minds. Don't ...